So, I made it. The flight seemed like it took forever! At least I was in the emerg exit row, so I had lots of leg space and stuff. I met a man named Pat on the plane. He used to live up in Fukushima, and he's been to British Hills quite a bit. He was really helpful. He told me about different places to visit and about the area I'm going to be living in.
The airport was SO quiet compared to Pearson. You could've heard a pin drop. Seriously.
Customs was a breeze. Pat helped me go through, and get my luggage and everything. And everyone at the airport spoke flawless english so I was able to get around and catch my shuttle to my hotel.
The hotel is amazing incidentally. The room is huge, and comfortable.
No pics yet, my laptop is dying and I can't find the plug. Pics tomorrow, ok?
glad you made it safely and it sounds like you made a friend too. Good on ya. Have fun hunny!