So I have access to a printer now, so I've been giving some thought to how I'm going to decorate my walls.
I had some pictures printed out and I put them up, and until I get more I'm cuting out shapes from coloured paper (polka dots and hearts) and I'm going to just pop them up wherever they look cute. I figure I'll start over my laptop because I'm here the most, and I'll expand outwards from there. I could totally use some more pics to put up, feel free to send me some! I also was given a shelving unit thing from Wendy, so I finally have a little bit more storage.
So today was my first morning shift on reception. It went well. Was really boring though. Ahaha. Wanna hear the highlight of my day? At about 1pm I was given a plastic bag and told to go walk around and pick up pine cones because we coat them in cinnamon and burn them in the winter. I spent an hour...hunting for pine cones. Yeah.
At least I got to look around at all the flowers that are blooming now. It looks so cheerful up on the mountain now. Everything is turning green and flowers are coming out. I might go do another walk around video so you all can see the change from earlier.
pine cone hunter....that's my girl...movin' on up!