Went to town today with Zoe. We went to Aeon first because she was going to get her hair cut. After wandering around for a few minutes, she toddled off to her appointment and I was left to my own devices for most of the day. While looking at some shoes on the main floor, I was distracted by the brand name.
They were cute too! If they weren't 3900yen I'd SO have bought them!
I went to the 100yen store and bought a couple blind things that were 1/2 off. I got the pair of them for 105yen.
I was hoping for Stitch's girlfriend, Angel, but I'm happy with what I got. For 55yen, I can't complain.
After a bit more wandering, I decided to take off and go to Mega Stage for some shopping. I promised Sara that I would pick up a block of cheese for her. I got one for me too. I'm eating cheese and crackers right now as a matter of fact. I haven't had cheese since I arrived. It was like a reunion with a long lost friend. I'm so happy. I love cheese.
After buying cheese, I got some bread for me and some cheese slices so I can make grilled cheese sandwiches! EEEEE~ So excited! Seriously, I haven't had one since like my last week of school. I'm going through withdrawl.
So yes, after cheese and food, I went to the Daiso at Mega Stage and I bought some things for my party. A big pink sparkly bow for my hair and some stick on jewels for my eyes.
They match perfectly with my birthday dress which also arrived today.
I tried it on, it looks great! I'm so excited! I've wanted this dress for forever.
I went to Sara's apartment tonight for her to dye my hair and we had a nice time. Zoe came with. Sara made us pizza and gave me a lemon and collegen drink and a orange chu-hi. The lemon and collegen one was for health and beauty ahaha, and it wasn't too bad actually.
Whatcha think? Lighter than usual, but it looks good. The pizza was amazing too. Mushroom and spinach pizza, yum! Yeah my hair is like a light brown now. It's quite nice.
Keep having fun hunny...and remember that you make your own luck! Luv u.