Sunday, May 22, 2011


Yeah, I'm not dead or anything. Sorry I haven't been posting. I've been working a lot since I changed to reception. And it's long days. I get home and I'm exhausted.

The other day, the cutest twin girls came in with their parents. They must have been about 5. They wore the same outfit, but with different coloured leggings (one wore black, one wore white) they had their hair down except for 1 little side pony tail that was on opposing sides. I got to give them each a British Hills pin and they were so excited, but very shy. They looked at me through their bangs and smiled shyly and said "Sankyuu" (thank you) really cute like. So cute! Their parents asked me for a picture of us all together as well. I swear since I've been on desk I've had like 20 pictures taken.

I'm starting to get the hang of it though. Everything is making it's way into my memory. Desk is SO boring though. We aren't allowed to go on the internet but we can read and write letters and what not. So I've been reading while I'm there. It's all I have to pass the time. That and solitaire. I'm getting really good at solitaire.

Less than a month till my birthday! And the only time in my life that I'll be older than Ashley. For 13 hours too! Can't wait. Ahahaah.

No picture today, I haven't had a chance to take any. But in return, on my next day off I'm going to tour the manor house and I'll take pictures in every room to make up for it, ok? <3

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